Monday, March 31, 2008

Non-Stop Trip

I was away for 4 days from the city where I spent my college life. Not that far but really had a lot of fun with my clasm8s during the trip. Last March 27, 08 me and my ITE batch went to Jury's place at Samal Island. We had our rain and black-out experience during our stay. A lot of picture taking, full of laughs, dances, drinks....hahai! The best bond ever merging the two sections of ITE graduates. I will never forget the drinking sessions of the bois and the "wait sa ha ke niuyog na ang davao" and the "kadali lng ke mg CR sako!". Hahaha!!! Really laugh a lot with these lines. Sexy gurls never missed to show. Now I can really say that we really had a lot of sexy bodies in our batch and you know who you are guys. Heheheh!!! Another thing I will never forget is of course, our winning team which is the "TEAM MARIMAR" (akiss, rose, chairman, jr, francis and gerald). We really had a lot of fun during the game and we won! As what I said to my team "It's better to win in fairness!". We had our overnight and went home March 28 in the afternoon after our lunch. Very full from our lunch, we packed our things and went home. Just slept in Davao that night and the following day which is 29th, we went to Bansalan to join the thanksgiving party of "Ate Mona" @ their house. On the next day, we went to Kamonsilan Resort and had our POOL sessions. lols. I dont know how to swim so I had my practice to the max. So laag with all the freedom and very full of the foods and drinks served plus the non-stop videoke. As what they say, "Enjoy2 while wla pa work". But of course, after all these things, we still have another plans to Mati. That's the next trip soon but it will only happen if we had enough money so better work, work, and work sooner. Thanks for the fun guys! See you all soon and good luck to our very own reality word journey!

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