Saturday, April 5, 2008


Today is our PHILNITS exam schedule. Too bad I wasn't able to wake up early and be there on the venue. I was out last night and really got so tired. Well, I just missed the chance but the good thing was, I can still take it till I get older. Hahaha! So enough with the failure. All I know right now is that I really should work on my being late problem. It's always been a lesson to me every time I came late to my schedules. I learned but its just hard for me to make it. Maybe I need a lot of alarm clocks around me. Hahaha! I really love sleeping and go out at the same time. Its my relaxing mechanism other than playing my audition world. The best thing I have in mind right now is to stop being late before it's too late for me to get successful. I'd love to work and the only problem is my time management. It's not just "only" but its a real big problem I have.

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