Sunday, December 16, 2007

Memories by HEART

I'm gonna make this one simple. I just realize that we could really have a lot of memories. Some of it we might forget. A lot of us make our own writings in the diary. Like blogging or in a real diary book. Why do we do that?! First reason is to remember the things that happen or the things that are still going to happen like schedules we put into our organizer or calendar. Sometimes we don't want to forget important dates, meetings or something terrible and extraordinary settings. I cant see the essence. Maybe for meetings or business matters, this could be important but on the other hand, this could be pretentious.
Its more likely to know when a person whom you valued most just appreciate the dates like anniversaries and birthdays. Isn't it romantic when one could have all the memories of the past without reading or writing it to it's diary?! This is what I meant about memories by heart. If you really feel it, you can instantly remember everything. Love makes everything fresh. You may not always think about it your whole life but just by knowing the current date or by seeing things, there is it! Reminders just pop-out from your mind. Without minding it, you already have the memories from your heart.

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